Worker 3Worker 12Worker 11Worker 5Worker 10Worker 6

Grow your brand with Solo

Reach over 250k+ independent workers with Solo advertising
Get in touch
Worker 1Worker 4Worker 7Worker 9Worker 8Worker 2


Why advertise with us

Specific Markets

Find workers in specific markets

Specific Job Sector

Reach workers who work in specific job sectors


Focus on part-time, full-time, or seasonal workers


In-App Ads
In-App Ads

Promote your brand with custom in-app advertisement cards and banners in various locations throughout the app.

Blog Content
Blog Content

Solo can craft evergreen blog content highlighting your brand through an unbiased, independent review.

Member Perks Marketplace
Member Perks Marketplace

Promote your brand within the Member Perks Marketplace through customizable text and logo placements.

Push Notifications
Push Notifications

Reach workers directly on their device through push notifications.

Email Campaigns
Email Campaigns

Send a dedicated email campaign to Solo's network to promote your brand and offer. Emails can be tailored to a certain audience or sent nationwide.  

Newsletter Highlights
Newsletter Highlights

Promote your brand with a featured highlight in Solo's monthly newsletter sent to Solo's network.  


FlossyVoomBluedotTreadsSesameUpsideLos Angeles Times
Fast CompanyBloombergRideshare GuyLos Angeles TimesFast CompanyTreads

[testimonial goes in here] lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual. lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual.

Customer Name

Company Name

[testimonial goes in here] lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual. lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual.

Customer Name

Company Name

[testimonial goes in here] lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual. lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual.

Customer Name

Company Name


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